Reliable solutions for Wifi on Passenger Cruise Ships
The demand for bandwidth on passenger cruise ships has increased exponentially in recent years, ranking the highest within the maritime industry. Providing high-speed broadband to several hundred guests at the time can be a challenge for ship managers.
Our services include remote access for online monitoring, secure connections, web filtering services, link optimisation and acceleration services. Managing different groups on board with access permissions, traffic prioritization or fair use policies, allows cruise operators to maintain full control of costs. Different types of connections (VSAT, FBB, 3G, Wi-Fi) can be also be managed centrally.
Wifi spots | voice services | crew calling and internet cards | Television
Passenger: meet guest expectation for internet availability to upload video and images to social media
Crew: increase satisfaction and morale through means of entertainment and real-time communication with their families
Ship Efficiency: automate data processes and operations
Safety & Security: manage risk and meet regulatory standards

Television on Board
Specifically designed to bring SD or HD satellite TV on-board.

Internet at Sea
Top-performing satellite Internet connection on-board.

Airtime & Support
EPAK offers airtime service together with the hardware on request.