The advantages of a dual antenna system


Automatic handover in a dual antenna system

When does an installation with two redundant antennas make sense?

Satellite communication relies on an unobstructed view from the satellite antenna to the sender. Superstructure and other obstacles might seriously affect availability of your VSAT or TVRO satellite link.

Avoiding blind spots by using a dual system

Using a dual system increases the availability of your Ku-band satellite link very close to the theoretical limit.

EPAK Diversity Kit for TVRO or VSAT is combining the free line of sight ranges of 2 antennas in one bundle: Once one antenna is blocked in sight, the other antenna seamlessly takes over the satellite connection. That will prevent nearly any loss of satellite signals through blockages. Beyond that, the EPAK DivKit offers the big advantage of much more flexibility in regard of installation places.


The picture on the right represents an ideal situation where the antenna can be positioned on the top of the highest mast of the boat and no obstacle interposes between it and the satellite, no matter how the vessel moves.
This ideal situation is nevertheless not always feasible.

Most of the times the Outdoor Unit has indeed to be positioned somewhere else on the boat, increasing this way the chances of incurring in some sort of blockages, causing the temporary loss of the signal.

This is when our Diversity Kit intervenes.
In the picture on the left the boat features two antennas, bundled together through our Diversity Kit: once – due to ship’s movement – the antenna that was communicating with the satellite loses contact because of a blockage (red signal), the Diversity Kit recognizes the problem and immediately switches the communication to the 2nd antenna, which has a free line of sight (green signal).

All this enables the dual system to provide a seamless and reliable TV reception or internet connectivity, strongly decreasing the chances of signal losses users would have had with a single system.

Zwei parallel geschaltete Antennen auf einem Schiff
Zwei parallel geschaltete Antennen auf einer Jacht