Maritime Parabolic Tracking Antenna used as gateway for LEO satellite operations
By repurposing existing maritime parabolic tracking antennas, we're offering a versatile and cost-effective solution for LEO satellite ground stations.

High-gain Ku-Band and Ka-Band antennas for unidirectional or bidirectional applications

Highly accurate and fast satellite tracking, originally designed for maritime movements

Real-time TLE data-driven tracking for precise satellite alignment

Adjustable transmitter amplifiers to optimize signal strength

RF optimized protective dome

Adaptable for application-specific requirements

Compatible with LEO & MEO satellites operating in Ku-and Ka-Bands

Designed to withstand extremely harsh weather conditions




Surveillance of LEO satellites over strategic or critical facilities

EPAK offers a unique combination of technical capabilities, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness.
By repurposing existing maritime parabolic tracking antennas, we’re providing a reliable and efficient solution for LEO / MEO satellite operations.
Our expertise in antenna design and highly accurate tracking ensures precise alignment and optimal signal strength.
The EPAK Gateway antenna can be used by various sectors engaged in satellite communications and research, especially by satellite operators working with low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, including CubeSats, SmallSats, and NanoSats. This versatile antenna can be used for a range of applications, such as Earth and weather observation, data distribution, and LEO space research projects.
Additionally, it can facilitate cloud and security services from space, enable intelligence gathering, and support space telemetry.
EPAK ground stations utilize sophisticated tracking and positioning systems equipped with 6D inertial sensors, allowing for precise and dynamic adjustments.
The systems are capable of moving at high speeds (up to 50°/s), ensuring optimal alignment with satellites. Satellite tracking is achieved using Two-Line Element (TLE) data, which provides accurate orbital information to maintain continuous and reliable communication.
The antennas feature a 90 cm reflector and are available in both Ka-band and Ku-band configurations. Switching between these frequency bands is possible by manually changing the feed and transmitter.
An open system architecture allows for the integration of different modems by utilizing modular design and well-defined interfaces.
Many common modems have already been implemented within this framework, and EPAK will support the integrating additional modems.
The EPAK hub also supports Open AMIP and DVB-S2X standards, enhancing its flexibility and capability to meet diverse communication needs.
The basic package of the Gateway antenna includes:
- a fully automatic tracking antenna,
- a controller,
- a web interface,
- and a radome.
Additionally, customization options and add-ons are available to tailor the system to your specific needs.
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